
Sunday 29 December 2013

Top 10 Facts That May Surprise You About Mosquitoes

One thing we can all agree on here. Nobody likes mosquitoes. But our hatred for these pesky insects is also intertwined with an ironic interest to know more about them. Here are some mosquito facts you may not know and a few facts that may help you from becoming of victim of their love bites. 
1. Females Mosquitoes Can Live Twice as Long
Just like humans, the female is known to outlive the male but by a much larger difference. Given the right environment, an adult female can live over a month while males normally do not make it past two weeks. 
2. Only Female Mosquitoes Bite
In reality, they don’t bite, but suck. After finding her target she inserts the elongated, razor-sharp proboscis (their mouth equivalent) through the skin looking for a blood meal which will nourish her future eggs. If left undisturbed, the female will feed until her abdomen is completely full.  
3. A Popularity Contest?
To mate, the males form large swarms at dusk and the females enter to take their pick. And for mosquitoes, it’s not the size that counts. Studies show that medium-sized males attract the most females because of their ability to stay up (in the air) longer. 
4. Finding a Perfect Harmony
To mate, the males form large swarms at dusk and the females enter to take their pick. And for mosquitoes, it’s not the size that counts. Studies show that medium-sized males attract the most females because of their ability to stay up (in the air) longer.
5. Mosquitoes Don’t Like Fans
You can use creams, sprays, candles, and more, but a great mosquito repellent that doesn’t leave you smelling like…well, mosquito repellent…is a fan. Because of their incredibly light weight, it is difficult for mosquitoes to maneuver their flight and even more difficult to steady themselves on a target. 
6. “Mosquito” is a Spanish Word Meaning “Little Fly”
A little Spanish lesson: mosca is Spanish for fly. In Spanish, the diminutive form of a main word is used to describe something smaller yet similar. This is achieved by adding –ito to the end of the word. Therefore, the result is mosquito.
7. Bill Gates Hates Mosquitoes Too
The Anopheles mosquito species is the overwhelming human malaria carrier. 90% of malaria cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa. In February 2009, philanthropist Bill Gates released a jar of mosquitoes at a technology conference in California in order to get his point across concerning funding for further malaria vaccine development.
8. Mosquitoes Like Your Breathing and Sweaty
Were you ever told that mosquitoes were biting you in particular because you were just so sweet? Not really…what attracts mosquitoes most is the carbon dioxide exhaled from our mouths and certain aromas that each individual’s body creates. Completely opposite from sweet, it is said that mosquitoes fly more towards sweaty surfaces.
9. Mosquitoes Stay Close to Home
A mosquito can develop from egg to adult in as little as 4 days, but it hardly ever wanders far from the “nest.” Since it only travels between 1 and 1.5 miles per hour, it rarely goes beyond a 1 mile radius from its birth place during its short life cycle.
10. There are a lot of Mosquito Species
There are around 3,000 mosquito species in the world. Between 150 and 200 of those can be found in North America. West Virginia reports the fewest species (26) while Texas claims the most (85). Every July the small town of Clute Texas hosts The Great Texas Mosquito Festival complete with a Mosquito Chase Race and Mosquito Calling Contest.

Saturday 28 December 2013












Thursday 26 December 2013

Top 10 Deadliest Train Disasters in History

Trains are colossal, so whenever they derail or collide, their devastating force becomes painfully clear. A crashing train takes on a life of its own, becoming unmanageable and completely unstoppable. Passengers can do nothing to prevent the carnage from happening and are often tossed around inside the carriages, breaking limbs and suffering internal injuries.

1. Sri Lanka Tsunami Rail Disaster, 2004 (1,700+ Casualties)
On December 26, 2004, a sea-floor earthquake northwest of Sumatra produced a gigantic tsunami that killed approximately 280,000 people. On that fateful day, the “Queen of the Sea” was packed with more than 1,500 passengers. The train was 217 yards from the shore when the first wave struck. The water immediately stopped the train. Local residents and passengers, thinking the train would be a safe haven, climbed on top of it and hid behind it. The second wave was much larger; it tore the train off its tracks and rolled the carriages until it came to a halt. Those not crushed by the train quickly drowned as they lay trapped inside the cars. Only a handful of passengers survived.

2. Saint Michel-de-Maurienne Derailment, France, 1917 (800-1000 Casualties)
On December 12, 1917, almost 1,000 French soldiers were returning home for the Christmas season. Due to nationwide shortages in both equipment and locomotives, they were carried in two trains coupled together and pulled by only one engine. Of the train’s nineteen carriages, only the first three had automatic air brakes; the rest were hand braked or had none. While descending down the valley on the French side of the Alps, the driver applied the brakes, but the train continued gathering speed. As the brakes overheated, fires broke out under the carriages. After 4 miles, the first carriage derailed and the rest of the carriages slammed into it, all catching fire within minutes. Due to the intensity of the fire, only 425 bodies from the close to 1000 fatalities could be identified.

3. Ciurea Rail Disaster - Romania, 1917 (600-1000 Casualties)
During WWI, a passenger train suffered brake failure whilst descending down a very steep bank close to Ciurea Station. The 26-carriage train carried refugees and wounded soldiers who were trying to flee the German advance. The engineers tried their best to slow the train, throwing it in reverse and operating the sanding equipment to increase the grip of the wheels, but the train only gathered speed. To prevent an accident with a second train at the bottom of the bank, the runaway train was switched onto a loop. Due to the high speed, the runaway train unfortunately derailed and caught fire, killing hundreds on board.

4. Bihar Train Disaster - India, 1981 (500-800 Casualties)
On June 6th 1981, during India’s monsoon season, a nine-car train that was carrying approximately 1,000 passengers plunged into the Baghmati River. The conditions that day were particularly rainy and windy, and the river’s water levels were far higher than normal. As the train neared the bridge that crosses over the river, a cow crossed the tracks. In his attempt to avoid hitting the cow, the engineer braked too hard, causing the carriages to slide on the wet tracks and derail into the water. Help was hours away, and most of the passengers had drowned or been swept away by the time rescue services arrived. More than 300 bodies were never recovered.

5. Guadalajara Train Disaster - Mexico, 1915 (600+ Casualties)
In 1915 the Mexican revolution was in full swing. President Venustiano Carranza ordered that the families of his troops be moved from to Guadalajara, his newly captured stronghold. On January 22 1915, the specially adapted train, with its 20 grossly overloaded cars, departed from Colima. It is said that the cars were so stuffed with humanity, passengers were even clinging to the undercarriages and roofs. While going down a steep descent, the engineer lost control of the train. The train kept on gathering speed as it negotiated its way down the tracks and finally plummeted into a deep ravine. Less than a third of its official passenger count survived the accident.

6. Ufa Train Disaster - Russia, 1989 (575+ Casualties)
The most deadly railway accident in Soviet history occurred on June 4th, 1989. A leak in the LPG pipeline caused a massive amount of propane gas to settle in a gully between the towns of Asha and Ufa. When engineers noticed the drop in pressure, they simply increased the pressure to its normal levels instead of searching for possible leaks. At around 1:15, two trains carrying more than 1200 passengers, many of whom were children, passed each other. The sparks created by their passing ignited the highly flammable cloud and resulted in an explosion that could be seen from 95 miles away. The resulting fireball fanned out for 1 mile, leveled trees for 2.4 miles, and destroyed both trains.

7. Balvano Train Disaster - Italy, 1944 (521-600+ Casualties)
During WWII, severe wartime shortages led to considerable black market trade. By 1944, opportunists and budding entrepreneurs would stow away on freight trains to get to supplier’s farms. During this time, there were also critical shortages of high quality coal. The burning of inferior substitutes produced massive amounts of odorless carbon monoxide gas. On March 2, 1944, the substantially overloaded locomotive No. 8017 stalled inside a steep tunnel. Its crew and passengers, including several hundred stowaways, were overcome by the fumes. The only survivors were those who happened to travel in the last few carriages that remained in the open air when the train stalled.

8. Torre del Bierzo Rail Disaster - Spain, 1944 (200-500+ Casualties)
On January 3, 1944, near the village of Torre del Bierzo in Spain, a runaway mail train sped into tunnel No. 20. Ahead of it was a shunting engine with 3 carriages trying to get out of harm’s way. Two of these carriages were still inside the tunnel when the mail train struck. From the opposite direction, a coal train with 27 loaded wagons were approaching. The driver of the shunting engine tried to warn the coal train, but it still slammed into the shunting locomotive. The resulting fire burned for two days. As many people traveled without tickets, and the fire decimated almost all of the human remains, the true number of passengers on board was hard to estimate, but survivors claimed that the train was packed, as many were travelling to a Christmas fair.

9. Awash Rail Disaster – Ethiopia, 1985 (428 Casualties)
The worst train disaster in the history of Africa occurred on January 14, 1985, close to the town of Awash. The town lies above a ravine on the Awash River. It was on nearing this town that the express train derailed after the engineer failed to reduce speed at the curving bridge, plunging the train’s carriages into the ravine. Of the estimated 1,000 passengers onboard the train, 428 were killed and almost all of the remaining passengers were badly injured. After the horrific accident, the train’s engineer was arrested and charged with failing to reduce speed on approaching a curve.

10. Al Ayyat Train Disaster - Egypt, 2002 (383 Casualties)
At 2:00 in the morning on February 20, 2002, a gas cylinder exploded in the fifth carriage of an Egyptian train. The enveloping fire quickly spread to the other carriages, as the train kept speeding along its tracks until two hours later when the driver finally stopped. In the end, seven carriages were burnt to cinders, and almost 400 people lost their lives. The number of fatalities in this disaster was heavily contested however, as the full passenger list was absent. Also, due to the intensity of the fire, many of the corpses were burnt to ash, making identification impossible. Furthermore, the train was overloaded and it is believed that many passengers were killed when they jumped from the burning train. Though 383 is the official toll, many consider an amount of 1000 casualties to be more accurate.

Monday 23 December 2013

















5. MS DHONI (IND) - 120 RUNS  






Top 10 world's fastest road cars

1. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (268mph)
This version of the original Veyron still has the same 8.0 litre, 16 cylinder engine but upgrades have pushed it into the record books 
2. SSC Ultimate Aero (257mph)
Built by USA firm Shelby SuperCars, it held the ‘world’s fastest car’ title for more than three years. It has a twin turbo V8 engine with 1183hp and costs from £435,000
3. Saleen S7 Twin Turbo (248mph)
An updated version of the California-built S7, this version was produced in 2005 and 2006 and cost £295,559. With the engine located in the middle of the car, it had both a front and rear boot
4. Koenigsegg CCX (245mph)
The 4.7 litre twin-supercharged V8-engined car was first built in 2006 as a version of the original CC. Created by the Swedish motor firm founded by Christian von Koenigsegg, its name is an abbreviation of Competition CoupƩ X, marking the 10th anniversary of the test drive of the first CC vehicle in 1996
5. McLaren F1 (240 mph)
Fitted with a BMW S70/2 60 V12 Engine, it remains the world’s fastest naturally-aspirated production car. Naturally-aspirated engines use atmospheric pressure to increase the intake of air for combustion. 106 were produced between 1992 and 1998
6. Jaguar XJ220 (217mph)
First conceived in the late 1980s as an after-hours project among Jaguar workers, this car became an official Jaguar production with 281 manufactured
7. Ferrari Enzo (217mph)
Only 400 of these were ever produced, leading to price increases with every sale. Named after the Italian company’s founder, Enzo Ferrari
8. Pagani Zonda C12 F (215mph)
This Italian-designed car made its debut at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show
9. Lamborghini MurciƩlago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce (213mph)
The 2009 incarncation of the Lamborghini Murcielago supercar has a top speed of 213mph thanks to fine tuning of the original design
10. Porsche Carrera GT (205mph)
The most powerful and most expensive Porsche, at over £300,000

Top 10 Courier companies in India

1. Indian Postal service
Corporate office - New Delhi, India, Establishment -1774
Business – Courier solution, Website -

2. DHL Express India Pvt Ltd
Corporate office - Mumbai, Maharashtra, Establishment - 1969
Business - Logistic and Courier solution, Website -

3. Blue dart Express limited
Corporate office - Chennai, Tamilnadu  Establishment - 1994
Business - Logistic and Courier solution, Website - |

4. First Flight courier limited
Corporate office - Mumbai, Maharashtra, Establishment – 1986
Business - Courier service, Website - 

5. FexEx India
Corporate office - Dallas, USA, Establishment – 1973
Business - courier service, Website -

6. DTDC Courier and Cargo Limited
Corporate office - Mumbai, Maharashtra, Establishment – 1990
Business - Courier and door delivery, Website - 

7. TNT Express
Corporate office - Bangalore, Karnataka, Establishment - 1974
Business – Logistic solution, Website 

8. Gati Limited
Corporate office - Singapore, Establishment - 1989
Business - Courier and door delivery,Website - 

9. Overnite Express Limited
Corporate office - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Establishment - 1987
Business – Courier service, Website - 

10. The Professional Courier Network Limited
Corporate office - New Delhi, India  Establishment - 1987
Business - Courier Solution  Website - 

Monday 16 December 2013

The Top 10 Scariest Horror Movies

Underrated & Popular but Only the Scariest of All Time. Which Means Not the Best Horror Movies of All Time but the Scariest Only.

1. Psycho (1960)
2. Repulsion (1965)
3. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
4. Suspiria (1977)
5. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 
6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
7. Don't Look Now (1973)
8. Halloween (1978)
9. The Exorcist (1973)
10. Eraserhead (1977)

Friday 13 December 2013

Top 10 Job Consultancy in Bangalore

1. Corp placements
Address – HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore
Business – Job Placement | Website |
It is rated one of the top job consultancy in Bangalore or rather a job portal which is based at Bangalore, Karnataka. It was incorporated in year 2003 and offers complete HR solution, executive recruitment, permanent and temporary job placements. The consulting agency is operating and serving clients all over country.

2. Global talent pool
Address – HMT Main Road, Gokula, Bangalore
Business – Job consultancy | Website|
Global talent pool is a staffing, placement and HR consulting firm serving BPO, KPO, IT, FMCG, Insurance and Banking sector. It provides many services which benefit the recruiter and job seekers which include temporary staffing, outsourcing and permanent staffing solutions.
3. Black & White business solutions pvt ltd
Address – , Indiranagar, Bangalore | Establishment – 2006 |
Business – Job consultancy | Website www.|
It is one amongst the top job consultancies in Bangalore which was established in year 2006. The placement firm offers HR, staffing, training and recruitment services. It has a long list of clients which includes some of the giant fortune 500 companies of IT, telecom, manufacturing and banking sector.
4. Fivebrosis Technologies
Address – Cunningham road, Bangalore | Establishment – 2006 |
Business – Job consultancy | Website|
It is a job consultancy in Bangalore which provides total human resources solution including permanent staff, temporary staff, outsourced recruitmenst and executive level staffing recruitments. The job placement firm offers IT, ITES, banking, engineering and telecom job opportunities.
5. Pinnacle Placement Services
Address – Rupena Agrahara, Hosur Road, Bangalore | Establishment – 2002 |
Business – Job placement | Website|
Pinnacle consulting is a leading job placement consulting agency in Bangalore which provides a wide rage of services for HR related needs of the companies. The company especially deals in engineering and Information technology related job requirements. It is headquartered in Bhubaneswar and has three branch offices situated in Kolkata, Bangalore and Chandigarh.
6. Leverage business solution
Corporate office – , Basavanagudi, Bangalore | Establishment – 0000 |
Business – HR staffing | Website|
Leverage is a leading placement consultant in Bangalore which caters account, finance, IT and marketing sector. They offer staffing, HR consulting and recruitment services to many well known IT, telecom, manufacturing and financial companies in India.
7. Nivansys technologies pvt ltd
Address – Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore | Establishment – 2008 |
Business – HR staffing | Website|
Nivansys technologies is an IT solution provider which was incorporated in year 2008. The company offeres various services which includes HR placement, IT infrastructure development and design, sales, marketing and traveling.
8.Talent Transformation Labs
Address New BEL Road, RMV II Stage, Bangalore | Establishment – 1998 |
Business – Job consultancy | Website |
Over 15 years of experience in Job consulting, Talent Transformation labs (TTL) is a well known name in HR industry. The company offers HR solutions such as recruitment, permanent and temporary staffing, employee assessments and executive search. It is associated with some of the giant Indian and international brands such as AT&T, Jotun, Saint-gobain etc.
9. ASAP Info Systems Pvt Ltd
Address HSR Layout Bangalore | Establishment – 2001 |
Business –HR and Placement | Website|
It is rated one amongst the top 10 job consultancies in Bangalore which has branch offices located in USA, Hyderabad and Chennai. It is a resource management and recruitment firm which has specialization in IT recruitments.
10. Bluebay Consulting Services
Address – brigade road, Bangalore
Business – Real Estate | Website|
Bluebay consulting services is specialized in FMCG, retail and FMCD industry jobs. The company serves the leading national and international FMCG brands such as Mamatha food pvt limited, CafƩ coffee day, Nature fresh, greens, mps etc.

Thursday 12 December 2013

The 10 Most Downloaded iPhone Apps of All Time

1. Angry Birds (Paid)

The number one spot on this list of the top ten most downloaded and popular iPhone apps of all time goes to Angry Birds. This is the first and original version of the game to ever come out.App developer Rovio enjoyed around 8 million downloads in just 24 hours, which is why it is clear that this game deserves the first spot on the list.You can get the game for only $0.99.
2. Fruit Ninja (Paid)
Fruit Ninja is a perfect way to pass time. The concept of this gaming app is quite simple – you would need to slice up the fruit being thrown all around the screen. To enjoy the app, you just need to spend $0.99.
3. Doodle Jump (Paid)
 Doodle the Doodler is the star in this fun and enjoyable gaming app. The game, which is very easy to love and get addicted to, requires the players to have Doodle the Doodler travel and jump as high as the creature can, without bumping into the enemies or missing a platform.The app can be purchased for only $0.99.
4. Cut the Rope (Paid)
 Cut the Rope is a gaming app that was developed and created by ZeptoLab.In order to solve the puzzles successfully, the player needs to cut the rope where a piece of candy is attached to at the right moment so that OmNom can catch it. This exciting game does not come for free, but there is no need for you to worry as the app only costs less than a dollar, $0.99 to be exact.

5. Angry Birds Seasons (Paid)

 Angry Birds, ever since it has been developed, rolled out, and launched, has become one of the most popular apps, both in the Apple iOS and the Android platforms. Now, this gaming app has a new version, which is called the Angry Birds Seasons. It is basically a spinoff to the original one, but the Angry Birds Seasons includes the Valentine’s Day version, Christmas version, Halloween version, St. Patrick’s Day version, and the Easter version.

6. Facebook (Free)

 With Facebook having more than a billion users, it does not come as a surprise that the social media networking site also has its own app. If you have an account with this social networking site, chances are, you have the app installed on your iPhone.

7. Pandora (Free)

 Pandora is another iPhone app that you can get for absolutely no cost at all. It has become one of the most downloaded, popular, and long-standing apps for streaming music. It also has its own platform for iPads, which has been reviewed and given a good rating by PCMag as well.
8. Instagram (Free)

When Instagram was still a brand new app, it was exclusively available for iOS devices only. While this extremely popular app has now been made available to Android phones, it still is one of the most downloaded and popular apps on Apple’s platform.Instagram can be downloaded for free on both iOS and Android devices.

9. YouTube (Free)

Before, in the previous models of iPhones, the YouTube app was already pre-installed. So when Apple decided to remove it from its iOS devices, it did not come as a surprise that a lot of iPhone users were dissatisfied. Fortunately, YouTube developed its very own standalone app and had it launched in the App Store. Again, this app can be downloaded for free.

10. Skype (Free)

One of the main reasons why Skype has earned a spot on this list of the top ten most downloaded iPhone apps of all time is the fact that it is free. Aside from being a free download, it also allows users to call other Skype users at no cost at all.


Top 10 World Fastest Bowler in Cricket

List of Worlds fastest bowler of Cricket of all time,Remember that earlier there used to be nothing like speed recording therefore bowlers of earlier period are not included in the list and they might be the Worlds fastest Bowler but as we have no records we can’t include them in the list of worlds fastest bowler.
The Bowling speed is shown in Kilometer Per Hour and Miles per hour,the first number in the column Speed kph/mph shows the speed in Kilometer Per Hour and second number shows the speed in Miles per hour.

Rank Player Name Team Name Speed Kph/mph Details
1 Shoaib Akhtar
Pakistan  161.3/100.2 Holds the record of being fastest Bowler,Bowled against England during 2003 World Cup also known as Rawalpindi Express
2 Brett Lee
Australia  160.8/99.9 Second fastest Bowler of World,Bowled against New Zealand at Napier in 2005.
3 Shaun Tait Australia  160.7/99.8 3rd Fastest Bowler of World,Bowled against Pakistan in 2010 at Melbourne in a T20 international Cricket Match.
4 Jeff Thompson Australia  160.4/99.6 Fastest Bowler of his Time,Bowled against West indies in Perth during a match in 1975
5 Andy Roberts West Indies  159.5/99.1 One of the Finest Bowler of his time,Fastest Delivery Bowled against Australia in Perth 1975
6 Fidel Edwards West Indies  157.7/97.9 Fastest delivery Bowled against against South Africa in 2003
7 Mohammad Sami Pakistan 156.4/97.2 Fastest delivery bowled against Zimbabwe in April 2003
8 Shane Bond New Zealand 156.4/97.2 Fastest Delivery Bowled against India During World Cup 2003
9 Dale Steyn South Africa/Bangalore Royal Challengers 155.7/96.8 and
Fastest Delivery bowled against New Zealand i.e, 155.7 in International cricket however his fastest delivery is 156.2 against Kolkata Knight Riders in 2010 while playing for Bangalore Royal Challengers during IPL.
10 Lasith Malinga Srilanka 155.7/96.7 Fastest Delivery recorded in 2011

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Top Ten Fastest Motorcycles

When you have the need for speed, nothing is quite like jumping on the back of a crotch rocket. Over the years, motorcycles have progressively gotten faster and faster. Now they are available in speeds that far exceed the speed limits in most places in the world. Here are the top ten fastest bikes:

1.Dodge Tomahawk - Top speed: 350 miles per hour
2.MTT Turbine Superbike Y2K - Top speed: 227 miles per hour
3.Ducati 1199 Panigale R - Top speed: 200 miles per hour
4.MV Agusta F4 R 312 - Top speed: 193 miles per hour
5.Suzuki Hayabusa - Top speed: 188 miles per hour
6.Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 - Top speed: 186 miles per hour
7.Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R -  Top speed: 185 miles per hour
8.Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird - Top speed: 180 miles per hour
9.Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11 - Top speed: 175 miles per hour
10.Bimota YB6 EXUP - Top speed: 170 miles per hour

Top Ten Most Expensive Metals

The price of most metals is directly related to the metal’s rarity. Over the last several decades, investing in metals has become a popular alternative to the more volatile stock market.  Many of the metals on this list have multiple applications. Some metals are popular for jewelry while others are used for components within aircraft engines. The metals on this list display a wide array of different characteristics. Some are sought after due to their tolerance to corrosion, while others are sought after for their reflectivity. Here are the top ten most expensive metals in the world:


Rhodium is the world’s most valuable metal. It is commonly sought after due to its reflective properties. It is often used in large mirrors, search lights, and as a coating for jewelry. This extremely rare metal is only found in a handful of places on Earth. Nearly 60% of all rhodium comes from South Africa, followed next by Russia.


Found throughout South Africa, Russia, Canada, and several other countries, platinum is known for its malleability, density, and non-corrosive properties. Similar to palladium, platinum is also known for its ability to withstand great quantities of hydrogen. Due to is many desirable properties, platinum is widely used for making jewelry, in dentistry, weaponry, and in the aerospace industry.


Without a doubt, gold is the most recognizable metal on Earth. Its value has been known for centuries. Due to its durability, malleability, and desirability, gold is one of the most sought after metals in the world. It is also a very common investment option as well. The largest miners of gold in the world are South Africa, the United States, Australia, and China. Besides for making attractive jewelry, gold has a number of valuable industrial applications as well. Due to its high conductivity, gold is commonly used in a number of electronics products. It is also used to create better radiation shields and glass due to its high reflectivity.


Originally discovered by Russian scientist Karl Karlovich in 1844, ruthenium is a member of the platinum metals group. As a result, it retains many of the properties the other metals of this group including hardness, rarity, and the ability to withstand outside elements. Ruthenium is primarily found throughout areas in Russia, North America, and South America. After a complex process, the metal can be isolated and used for a variety of purposes. Most commonly ruthenium is added as an alloy to platinum and palladium in order to increase its hardness and to make other metals more corrosion-resistant. The two primary applications of ruthenium are in jewelry and electrical contacts.


Also discovered by Smithson Tennant, iridium is considered to be the most extreme member of the platinum group. This whitish metal has a high melting point, is very dense, and is the most corrosion-resistant metal. Even acid, has no real affect on iridium. The properties of iridium have allowed it to contribute to advances in medicine, electronics, and automobiles. The majority of iridium is mined in South Africa as a by-product of nickel mining.


This bluish-silver metal is one of the densest elements on Earth. Osmium was discovered by Smithson Tennant in 1803. The most common use of osmium is to harden platinum alloys for electrics contacts, filaments, and other industrial uses. Humans must be careful when handling osmium because it can emit a toxic oxide that can cause severe tissue damage. The largest largest producer of osmium is Russia followed by the United States and various countries in South America.


Named after the Greek goddess Pallas, palladium is considered to be a member of the precious-metals group. Palladium was discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston when he discovered a way to separate palladium from its surrounding platinum ore. Some of the properties of palladium include its ability to absorb a considerable amount of hydrogen at room temperature, its stability under hot conditions, and its malleability. Today, palladium is used by automobile manufacturers in catalytic converters to reduce emissions, jewelers use palladium to create white gold alloys, and electronics manufacturers use palladium to coat components with it. Nearly half of the world’s palladium comes from Russia, followed by South Africa, the United States, and Canada.


Although not widely as well known as some of the other metals on this list, rhenium has a number of uses due to it being one of the densest metals and having the third highest melting point. Due to its density, rhenium is able to withstand a number of harsh conditions. Originally discovered in 1925, rhenium is used nowadays in high-temperature turbine engines. Some of the other common uses of rhenium include electrical contacts, thermocouples, and filaments.


Classically known as one of the most expensive metals on Earth, silver has many different uses. As most people know, silver is used commonly in jewelry, coins, circuitry, dentistry, and in batteries. However, silver also has a number of less known uses as well. Silver has the property of being able to stop the spread of bacteria, control odors, and prevent mold growth in treated wood. Peru, Chile, Mexico, and China are the largest producers of silver in the world. The prices of silver have been steadily increasing over the last few decades, making silver one of the best commodity investments around.


Known for being soft, silvery-white in color, indium was first discovered by Ferdinand Reich in Germany in 1863. Interestingly, when bent, the metal lets out a high-pitched scream. It is useful for making low-melting point alloys and is used in a variety a reflective surfaces. During World War II, indium was used as a coating for aircraft bearings and in aircraft engines. Currently, Canada is the world’s largest producer of indium.

Top 10 Deadliest Tornadoes

Tornadoes cause major damage, often without warning. Severe thunderstorms can produce twisters more than a mile wide. The storms rip through both rural and urban areas causing billions of dollars in damages every year. Here, I present a list of the top 10 deadliest tornadoes in the United States. All statistics are from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The NCDC maintains and archives all confirmed weather events for the United States.

1. March 18, 1925

The Tri-State Tornado event affected Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana injuring 2027 people. There were 695 deaths from the F5 tornado. The storm was so bad, the National Weather Service maintains a memorial page on the event called 1925: A Look Back at the Tri-State Tornado.

2. May 6, 1840

A tornado of unknown intensity struck Louisiana and Mississippi killing 317 people and injuring an additional 109. The event is summarized by the National Weather Service at the Natchez Tornado page.

3. May 27, 1896

A tornado estimated at an F4 rating on the Fujita Scale hit Missori and Illinois. At least 1000 were injured. The storm, known as the Great St. Louis Tornado, killed 255 people.

4. April 5, 1936

Mississippi was the target of a deadly F5 tornado that killed 216 people in Tulepo. More than 700 people were also injured in the event.

5. April 6, 1936

Just one day after the Mississippi tornadoes, an F4 tornado struck Georgia killing 203 people. The death toll was less than the death toll from the Missippi tornadoes, but the injury rate was higher. A total of 1600 people were injured in the tornado.

6. April 9, 1947

Tornado Alley lived up to its name in the tornado event on April 9, 1947 in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The death toll was 181 people. An additional 970 people were injured.

7. April 24, 1908

Amite, Louisiana and Purvis, Mississippi were hit by tornadoes estimated at an F4 intensity. A total of 770 injuries and 143 deaths were reported.

8. June 12, 1899

An F5 tornado hit Wisconsin causing 117 deaths and 200 injuries. The event, known as the New Richmond Tornado, was the worst tornado in Wisconsin history.

9. May 11, 1953

The Waco, Texas tornado event of 1953 struck the town with a vengeance. Death tolls from the storm totaled 114 individuals. A reported 597 additional people were also injured.

10. June 8, 1953

The Beecher-Flint, Michigan Tornado was an F5 that killed 115 people and injured an additional 844.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Top 10 highest scores in ODIs

01. Sri Lanka 443/9 vs. Netherlands 2006
02. South Africa 438/9 vs. Asutralia 2006
03. Australia 434/4 vs. South Africa 2006
04. South Africa 418/5 vs. Zimbabwe 2006
05. India 418/5 vs. West Indies 2011
06. India 414/7 vs. Sri Lanka 2009
07. India 413/5 vs. Bermuda March 2007
08. Sri Lanka 411/8 vs. India 2009
09. New Zealand 402/2 vs. Ireland 2008
10. India – 401/3 vs. South Africa 2010        

Monday 9 December 2013


1. Hashim Amla (SA) - 81 Innings
2. Sir Vivian Richards (WI) - 88 Innings
3. Virat Kohli (Ind) - 93 Innings
4. Gordon Greenidge (WI) - 96 Innings
5. Brian Lara (WI) - 100 Innings
6. Dean Jones (Aus) - 102 Innings
7. Sourav Ganguly (Ind) - 105 Innings
8. AB de Villiers (SA) - 105 Innings 
9. Geoff Marsh (Aus) - 106 Innings
10. Graeme Smith (SA) - 107 Innings 

Sunday 8 December 2013

Top Ten Richest Young Celebrities 2013

Actors and musicians are getting their start earlier and earlier these days. Several of the individuals on this list got their start before they were even 10 years-old. All of the individuals on this list are worth in excess of $1 million. Here are the top ten richest young celebrities of 2013...


Miley Cyrus

Net worth: $120 million
Daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus is officially the richest young celebrity in the world. At the age of 21, she is both an accomplished actress and musician. Her breakthrough came in early 2006 when she starred in the Disney show Hannah Montana. Since then the world has watched her grow into a beautiful young lady. Miley Cyrus is about to release her 4th studio album which will be available to purchase around the world on June 3, 2013.


Justin Bieber

 Net worth: $110 million
The 19 year-old, Justin Bieber is the richest celebrity teenager on the list. Bieber wasn’t discovered until 2008, when a talent manager came across his videos posted on YouTube. Since then the rest is history. He was named the Artist of the Year at both the 2010 American Music Awards and the 2012 American Music Awards. He is also of the most followed people on Twitter with over 39 million followers. Forbes magazine rated his as the 3rd most powerful and influential celebrities in the world. In the last 5 years, he has sold more than 17 million albums world wide.


Taylor Lautner

 Net worth: $40 million
Taylor Lautner is best known for playing Jacob in The Twighlight Saga. The 21 year-old Lautner is widely considered as a generational sex symbol. Glamour magazine rated his second in the The 50 Sexist Men of 2010 and People magazine rated his as number four in their Most Amazing Bodies list the same year. In his breakout year of 2010, he was also the highest paid teenager in all of Hollywood. In addition to his acting career, most people don’t know he is an accomplished martial artist.


Nick Jonas

Net worth: $18 million

Nick Jonas’ officially started at the age of 6 when he was at a barber shop with his mother and was referred to a professional show business manager. When he was 7 he started performing on Broadway. After several shows, including A Christmas Carol, Annie Get Your Gun, Beauty and the Beast, and Les Miserables, he started to transition into his famous music career. From 2005 until 2010 he was a member of a band, along with his brothers, logically called the Jonas Brothers. Since the he has began focusing on his solo career and evolving his musical style to be more mature.


Angus T. Jones


Net worth: $15 million
The 19 year-old Angus T. Jones is known for playing the character of Jake Harper on the show Two and a Half Men. He is the highest paid television teenage actor of all time. Back in 2012, he was the center of controversy when he came out and state his religious beliefs conflicted with the show and its adult themes. Since his work on the show, he has become heavily involved in various charity organizations aiming to support and help abused and neglected children.


Dakota Fanning

Net worth: $16 million
Dakota Fanning, born Hannah Dakota Fanning, is a 19 year-old actress who started her acting career in her breakthrough role in I Am Sam in 2001. To date, she has had roles in over 35 films. That is quite the accomplishment for someone so young. For her role in I am Sam she won the best young actress award from the Broadcast Film Critics Association. In addition to her busy career, she is currently studying at New York University.


Jaden Smith

Net worth: $8 million
Jaden Smith, currently 14 years-old is the second child of Will Smith to make this list. The talent must certainly run in the family. He has appeared in 6 films, including his staring role in The Karate Kid. Much like his sister, he also has a solo music career as well. Jaden Smith is close friends with Justin Bieber and several of the other celebrities on this list.


Selena Gomez

 Net worth: $4 million
The 20 year-old Selena Gomez is a signer and actress. She made debut on the children show Barney & Friends. Her breakthrough role came in 2007 when she was a recurring cast member of the television series Wizards of Waverly Place. She made her film debut in 2010 in Ramona and Beezus and stared in Monte Carlo in 2011. Her first studio album will be released this summer.


Willow Smith

Net worth: $4 million
Willow Smith is the daughter of famous actor and singer Will Smith. She made her acting debut in 2007 when she appeared in the film I Am Legend. If that weren’t enough, the 12 year-old also has her own music career. Her single “Whip My Hair” reached a peak position at #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the music video was nominated for the Video of the Year at the BET Awards in 2011. So long as she follows in her father’s footsteps she won’t have anything to worry about.


Elle Fanning

 Net worth: $1.5 million
The 15 year-old Elle Fanning, born Mary Elle Fanning, is an actress and the younger sister of Dakota Fanning. She is best known for her roles in Phoebe in Wonderland, Somewhere, We Bought a Zoo, and Super 8. Fanning first started acting at the age of 2 when she played the younger version of her older sister Dakota in the mini -series Taken and the movie I Am Sam. Although she is young she has already appeared in over 20 different films over the last decade. It will be interesting to see where her career takes her.


Top Ten Ways To Increase Website Traffic

One of the most difficult things for people starting their own website is to build traffic. For a first time web publisher it can be a very frustrating process to get more visitors. At times, it can seem almost hopeless. The hardest part of it all is knowing what to do. If you are in that boat, here are ten great tips to build more website traffic:


Post great content
Nothing is more important that posting great and unique content. If you don’t have something worth reading, no matter what others strategies you employ to build traffic, nobody will want to visit your site. If you have enough great content traffic will eventually grow on its own. The more content you have out there the more likely it is that someone will find your site. As a general rule of thumb, most posts are recommended to be at least 1000 characters in length. If you use a platform like WordPress, it will keep track of the number of characters for you. If not, you can always use a word processing program to tell you how many characters are in your post.  Remember, ultimately you want readers, not just page views.


Use the right keywords
Using the right keywords can be almost as important as the content itself. For some keywords, there is a large number of competitors which will make it unlikely for your site to appear in search results. For others, conveying the same meaning, there aren’t as many sites competing for hits. You just have to be careful and do your research to make sure the alternate keywords are still ranked high in search appearances. This is where proper use of SEO analytic tools comes in handy. By using these tools you can reach for what many people in the industry call “low lying fruit.”


Article marketing
A great way of improving your website’s traffic is to post various articles to article directories. This will help people interested in certain articles and content find your website more easily. There are number of websites like Ezine, Article Dashboard, and many others which make it very easy to submit content. The nice thing about article marketing is you only have to write an article once, but can publish it to a number of different directories.


Guest blogging
By guest blogging and posting on other websites you will gain a reputation within the blogging community. If the article is well-written, informative, and concise people will respect your site and want to read more of what you have to offer. Additionally, by guest posting you will get a backlink back to your own site. This is a vital means of adding to your search engine rankings and needs to be a part of your overall SEO strategy. The more backlinks you have, the more your site appears to be a definitive source on the niche you are focusing on. The majority of blogs are pretty receptive to the idea of guest blogging as it benefits you both. For the blog it adds to their content and drives their own traffic and for you it provides a link back to your site and your content.


Forum posting
Posting in forums about topics relevant to your site will greatly add to the visibility of your site. The key to this approach is to make sure your forum posts are well-thought out and utilize proper grammar and spelling. If you fail to take these steps, people will not take your site seriously and probably won’t click on a link. As an alternative to forums, another great place to gain exposure is through question and answer websites such as Yahoo! Answers,, and many others out there. You can reference your own website as a source for answering other people’s questions. Just make sure you back up your claims with valid facts so people don’t see your site as a sham.


Nowadays it is incredibly easy to create a Facebook fan page. In fact, the fan page for this site was setup in under 5 minutes. In this day and age, it is almost a necessity for an organization to have a presence on Facebook. Most people will expect you have a page. To build fans it helps to post things that are interesting and entice people to share it. A popular way of doing this is by posting funny or interesting graphics. If executed properly Facebook is an excellent platform to broadcast to the world what you are writing.


Every time you post new content to your site, get in the habit of also posting it to Twitter. The key is to make sure that you utilize the right hash tags and make the Tweet interesting enough to make people want to click on it. If properly executed, Twitter is a great way of increasing traffic to your site and gaining new visitors. Often times people will search on certain hashtags to find Tweets about something that interests them. If you can provide a compelling reason to click on your link within the 160 character limit, you are well on your way to adding to your daily traffic numbers.


Blog commenting
A great way of increasing traffic to your site is by posting comments on blogs. If you contribute something meaningful to the conversation and don’t just spam your site’s URL, it will likely be approved by the blog moderator and is an easy way to improve visibility to your site to readers who may not have ever thought about visiting your site before. It is recommended to post on blogs or articles that are similar in topic to something you have posted about to make sure your comment is seen as relevant to the conversation.


Post often
Websites that have more frequent and regular posting schedules tend to develop an audience quicker. It also signals to search engines that the site is active and isn’t outdated. It is considered ideal, if possible, to post content roughly every 5 hours on average. Of course this isn’t a possibility for every site out there, but for many it is.


Have patience
Building website traffic takes time. It won’t happen overnight. This site was online for nearly six month before we saw a significant amount of daily traffic. If you have an interesting website over time the word about your site will spread and you will gain more visitors. Also the longer your website has been around the more it will be seen as an authority on the subjects you present.

Top Ten Most Popular Blogs

If you are one of the millions of people around the world considering starting a blog or if you have already entered into the world of blogging and need a little motivation, this is the article for you. Nearly all of the top ten most popular blogs in the world were started in the last 10 years. All of these sites started as something small and now attract millions of unique visitors per month. All of the blogs listed also generate millions of dollars of annual income and have become legitimate business entities.
This goes to show, it is all about dedication, the right idea, and execution. The best blogs in the world are blogs which have content updated on a regular basis. For many who do blogging on the side while working a full time job, it can be difficult to write posts consistently, but it is a necessity for success. The best word of advice would be to try to post at least once a day during the week. Slowly over time, you will start to see your traffic numbers increase and as a result so will your revenue. There is no alternative for quality content.
To help motivate you, here are the top ten most popular blogs in the world:


Lifehacker was founded by Gina Trapani on January 31, 2005. Content on the blog covers a wide variety of topics such as Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linus, iOS, Android, and general life tips and tricks. The site is typically updated about 18 times per week and operates under the motto “Tips and downloads for getting things done.” Currently ranked as the 623rd most popular website in the world according to Alexa, Lifehacker receives more than 5 million unique visitors per month.


Founded by Nick Denton, Gawker aims to be the definitive source for daily Manhattan media news and gossip and primarily focuses on celebrities and the media industry. Gawker, which originally launched in 2003, is the flagship blog for Denton’s Gawker Media which also runs other big name blogs Gizmodo, Defamer, and Deadspin. On average, Gawker posts 20 every day during the week and attracts more than 6 million visitors per month.


Tech Crunch
TechCrunch has evolved into being the go-to source for information on IT companies and startups around the United States. It was originally founded by Michael Arrington in 2005 and has since grown into one of the most popular websites in the world. With a current Alexa ranking of 517 and more than 7.5 million readers per month, you could say that TechCrunch has quite the following. Every year since 2011 TechCrunch hosts annual conferences in San Francisco, New York City, and Beijing where a number of technology startups launch their products and services competing on stage in front of potential investors, media, and other interested parties. In addition to the blog, TechCrunch also hosts an annual database called CrunchBase which allows users to look up information about various technology companies from its database.


The British-American technology and social media blog was founded by Pete Cashmore in 2005. Although the site primarily focuses on social media news, it also covers news in areas such as mobile, entertainment, online videos, business, web development, technology in general, memes, and gadgets. In 2009, Mashable won an award for being one of the 25 Best Blogs from Time Magazine. Every year since 2011 Mashable has hosted a conference called Mashable Connect, which features speakers on content curation, the democratisation of content, social media, and social television. Currently Mashable receives approximately 10 million monthly viewers and ranks as the 472nd most popular website in the world.


The immensely popular design and technology blog, was originally launched by Peter Rojas in 2002. By mid-2004, it was reported that the blog was bringing in monthly revenue in excess of $6,500 per month. In 2010, the blog was the source of controversy when Gizmodo came into possession of what appeared to be an iPhone 4 prototype when it purchased it for $5,000 from an individual who had found the device unattended at a bar in Redwood City, California a month earlier. Every since, Gizmodo has been barred from all Apple-hosted events and product launches. Despite this, the blog currently receives more than 10.1 million unique monthly visitors and is ranked the 472nd most popular website in the world.


Perez Hilton was formed in 2004. It has been considered one of the best sources of celebrity gossip on the internet. The site features several posts per day about the latest in celebrity news. On average the site brings in 10.2 million visitors per day.


Engadget is a blog with daily coverage of gadgets and consumer electronics. Originally started in 2004 by Peter Rojas, Engadget has more than 11.5 million monthly visitors. Since it was founded, dozens of different writers have contributed articles to Engadget including many high-profile bloggers, industry analysts, and even professional journalists. Throughout the years Engadget has been nominated for numerous awards. In 2004, it won a Bloggie for Best Technology Weblog, in 2005 it also won a Bloggie for Best Computer or Technology Weblog and Best Group Weblog.


Business Insider
The youngest blog on this list, Business Insider was launched in February 2009 by former DoubleClick founder Kevin Ryan. The site provides and analyzes business news and acts as an aggregator of the top news stories from around the web. The site currently employs a staff of 50 writers and first reported a profit in 2010. Every year Business Insider hosts a variety of conferences including IGNITION which explores the emerging business models of digital media. This business site receives more than 12.1 million visitors per month and is ranked as the 427th most popular website in the entire world.


TMZ is a celebrity ness site which debuted on November 5 as a collaboration between AOL and Telepictures Productions, a division of Warner Bros. The name TMZ officially stands for “thirty-mile-zone” which was the historic “studio zone” centered in Los Angeles centered at the intersection of West Beverly Boulevard and North La Cienega Boulevard. Unlike many celebrity gossip sites, TMZ claims that everything published is research and vetted for accuracy. In 2007, a companion TV series was launched called TMZ on TV. The site attracts 19 million visitors per month and is the 426th most popular website in the world.


Huffington Post
Founded in May of 2005, The Huffington Post is an online news aggregator and blog founded by Arianna Huffington. The site was launched as a liberal, left-leaning alternative to the hugely popular Drudge Report. The site offers a variety of content including news, blogs, original content, and covers such topics as business, technology, lifestyle, culture, health, environment, and local news. In 2011, AOL purchased Huffington Post for an astounding price tag of $315 million making it the quintessential blog success story. Also, fairly uniquely, the Huffington Post makes the majority of its revenue through paid advertisements. Although far from the one person blog operation it started as, it still has the feel of a much smaller site, which could be one of the reasons it has been so hugely successful over the years. The active user community contributes more than 1 million unique comments on a monthly basis and often engages in heated, intelligent debate. The Huffington Post consistently ranks in the top 100 most-visited sites in the world according to its Alexa ranking.

Top Ten Largest Lakes in the World

The Ten Largest Lakes of the World

RankName, LocationArea (sq. miles)Length (miles)Max. Depth (feet)
1. Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan-Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran (salt water) 152,239 745 3,104
2. Superior, U.S.-Canada 31,820 383 1,333
3. Victoria, Tanzania-Uganda 26,828 200 270
4. Huron, U.S.-Canada 23,010 247 750
5. Michigan, U.S. 22,400 321 923
6. Aral, Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan 13,000 266 223
7. Tanganyika, Tanzania-Congo 12,700 420 4,708
8. Baikal, Russia 12,162 395 5,712
9. Great Bear, Canada 12,000 232 270
10. Nyasa, Malawi-Mozambique-Tanzania 11,600 360 2,316
Note: The Caspian Sea is called "sea" because the Romans, finding it salty, named it Mare Caspium. Many geographers, however, consider it a lake because it is land locked.

Highest Mountain Ranges in the World

The world’s tallest mountains are some of the most majestic and beautiful things that one can be blessed enough to witness in their lifetime. They are all located in Asia and each reach an altitude of over eight thousand meters in height. There are only fourteen mountains in the world that can boast such a height.

Below are the ten highest of these fourteen mountains.
Mount Everest. Standing at about 29,029 feet (8,848 meters), Everest boasts the top spot for the tallest mountain in the world. It is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China and is part of the Himalayan Mountain Range. Although it is the tallest mountain and attracts many climbers of both advanced and limited climbing skill, it is one of the easier mountains to climb. Don’t be mistaken by what we mean by easier, there is still the danger posed by weather changes, winds, temperature and altitude sickness that can make such a long climb difficult, but the terrain is a lot more simple to take than some of the other tallest mountains like K2 or Nanga Parbat.
K2 (Mount Godwin-Austen) is located on the border between Pakistan and China and is part of the Himalayan Mountain Range. It is the second highest mountain in the world and is a far more treacherous climb than Everest. In fact, one of every four people that attempts to reach the summit at about 28,251 feet (8,611 meters), dos not live to see the bottom again. Of all of the highest mountains, above eight thousand meters, K2 has the third highest mortality rate.
Kangchenjunga, once thought to be the tallest mountain in the world, was stated as the third highest mountain at 28,169 feet (8,586 meters) in 1848. Its name translates to “The Five Treasures of the Snow” and each of these peaks is said to represent the five repositories of God: gold, silver, gems, grain and holy books. This mountain is sacred to Kirant religion and because of this when the first expedition to the summit occurred in 1955; the British exploration team stopped a few feet away from the actual summit out of respect. A tradition which most teams that have successfully reached the summit have honorably followed.
Lhotse is the fourth highest mountain on Earth and is connected to Everest at the South Col. It is located on the boarder between Nepal and China and at it highest peak is about 27,940 feet (8,516 meters) high. This mountain is best known for its close proximity to Everest but is special in own right because it is the home of the steepest face of a mountain that is approximately 1.98×1.4 miles in size. This southern face has been the setting for any failed attempts, some notable fatalities and very few successful summit reaches.
Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world and is located about 14 miles east of Everest. It is located on the boarder of Nepal and China. It is an isolated peak that has the unique shape of a four-sided pyramid. There is another subsidiary peak that doesn’t quite meet up to the “eight-thousander” reputation called Kangchungtse, or Makalu II. It lies northeast of the main summit and is connected to it by a arrow saddle called Chomo Lonzo.
Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain in the world and stands at about 26,906 feet (8,201meters) high. Like most of the other Himalayan Mountains, it lies between Nepal and China (Tibet). Its name in Tibetan means “Turquoise Goddess”. It was used as a warm up for climbing Mount Everest when people were first exploring the Himalayan Mountains and today it is considered the easiest of al of the “eight-thousander” mountains to climb.
Dhaulagiri is the seventh highest mountain in the world and is about 26,795 feet (8,167 meters) tall. It is located just north of central Nepal. Its name means “White Mountain”. The South and West faces of Dhaulagiri both feature massive drops; each rises over 4000 meters from its base, and each has been the site of epic climbs. This mountain, along with Annapurna, is home to a more dramatic scene than most of the other mountains, for they face each other while separated by a valley. This is an amazing sight to see, and one of the main reasons why, for thirty years, it was thought to be the highest mountain in the world.
Manaslu, when translated means “Mountain of the Spirit” and is the eighth highest mountain in the world. It is a part of the Nepalese Himalayans and stands at about 26,759 feet (8,156 meters) high. The mountain’s long ridges and valley glaciers offer feasible approaches from all directions, and culminate in a peak that towers steeply above its surrounding landscape. This is the most dominant feature when viewed from far way.
Nanga Parbat is the world’s ninth tallest mountain and stands at about 26,660 feet (8,126 meters) in height. Although the name is Urdu for “Naked Mountain”, for first half of the twentieth century it was known as “Killer Mountain”. It was called this because it used to be an incredibly dangerous climb to the top. Now however, it is less dangerous to climb, but still very difficult. This mountain is an immense and dramatic peak that rises above its surrounding area in Pakistan.
Annapurna is a series of peaks, the highest of which is called Annapurna I, which is the tenth highest mountain in the world. It is located in central Nepal and is approximately 26,545 feet (8,091 meters) tall. Its peaks are some of the world’s most dangerous to climb. In fact, they have a fatality rate of about forty percent.